

Tel: +965 22088552

Mob: +965 99141882

Email: mirna@farmland-kw.com

Website: www.farmland-kw.com


Farmland is an entrepreneurial venture started in 2006 by Antoine Obeid with experience of 45+ years in the industry.

 While keeping a variety of handpicked partners, Farmland grew into one of the leading fast moving consumer goods companies in Kuwait.

Farmland is private brand under the name of Farmland for cheese , vegetables and olive oil that are very well known in Kuwait and in the Gulf region.


Brand                                                             Description                                    Country of Origin


FARMLAND                      Dairy product, frozen vegetables              Bulgaria/Germany/UK/Turkey/Egypt

GRANORO                        Dry pastas                                                     Italy

CASPRESSO                      Coffee                                                            Belgium

FRISCHLI                           Dairy product                                               Germany

GRANAROLO                    Fresh product                                               Italy

MURATBEY                       Dairy product                                               Turkey

ECHIRE                              Dairy product                                               France

MINISTREL                        Dairy product                                               UK

973                                    Frozen chicken                                             Bahrain

Hello                                  Cordiments                                                 Jordan

CAMPANGE DE FRANCE               Dairy product                                 France

LA MAISON DU FROMAGE           Fresh cheese                                  USA / Europe/UK

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